Argentine Tango Classes
& Milongas in Colorado


Every Tuesday 6:30 - 7:30 PM, $10


Tuesdays 7:30 - 10:30 PM, $10
(Free Entry for Beginner One)


2nd Saturdays 8PM - 12AM, $20

Upcoming Events

March Beginner Classes:

Beginner 1: Vanessa Stephen
Beginner 2: John & Jesica

Advanced Series: Jonathan & Mez “Yes
And: Exploring Improvisation,
Musicality & Liquid Leading.

March Practica DJs:

March 4th: Facundo Maisano

March 11th: John Miller

March 18th: Donna Kleinman

March 25th:  Sarah Genung

APRIL Milonga:

April 12th, Saturday

Theme: Return of the Sandhill Cranes

DJ Tom Stermitz

Join our team!

We are hatching up some exciting projects to improve the popularity of our events and the number of enthusiastic dancers in our community. To pitch in, learn, grow, meet new friends, and help with practicas, email us at